Thursday, April 7, 2011

My Video - The Eagle Feeds Her Eaglets

I uploaded the video I did of the Bald Eagle feeding her babies to my You-Tube account as Blogger won't upload it to this blog.

Please click HERE to see the once-in-a-lifetime view of mama feeding her baby eaglets.  You shouldn't have to sign in or anything.

Take Care on the Journey,
Your friend in life

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Photos of the Nesting Eagle

For those who might not can watch the streaming video (or if you missed it), I took photos with my iPhone to post here.

The third egg hatched this afternoon, we think.  Mama only lets us have brief glimpses of her newborns!  But, for a few seconds we saw the tiny beek inside poking at the egg shell!

We saw daddy drop off a big fish. He didn't stay long, but one photo shows the two heads as he landed and took off.

Hope these come out for the Internet. Maybe I can get some more later on.

Daddy Eagle lands briefly next to Mommy Eagle on the nest.
He leaves a big fish for supper!

Three babies keeping warm.

Mama fed the babies fresh fish - really fresh!

I'm watching you!

Take Care on the Journey,
Your friend in life,

Monday, August 16, 2010

Denver Adds More 55's

When we decided to move from Columbus, OH to Denver, CO in early 2010, we had many questions and often talked long into the night mulling the pros and cons! Foremost, was the fact that we actually loved our Ohio apartment home at the edge of a little forest where the ducks came for food several times a day, and the deer forged on our storebought corn every evening.

But, we were also ready for a change! I had recently gotten my RN, and hubby was laid off from his state job. I was looking for a new job, and he was collecting unemployment, so it didn't matter where we lived. The world was ours for the taking.

A former instructor at my college of nursing, urged me to apply for a RN position at a new Psych unit that she was helping to set up in Denver.

So, I did!

The doors were open a crack, and I made a trip out there to peek in.

I didn't get that job because the unit didn't fill up fast enough to hire new nurses, it did start us on a journey that found us a nice apartment north of Denver - and opportunities for jobs and adventure we never thought possible.

At first, I wondered why I didn't "see" any 55's in our address. Not even in the last four numbers that one doesn't always see. But, suddenly as I entered our building number 9 (of about 35 apartments), there is was. ~ 2455 ~

All the other apartment buildings have different last four numbers!

There are many other 55's we have discovered. I will take time to sit down and make a list that I will add to this posting a little later.

This is just a start...

Take Care on the Journey,

Sunday, July 18, 2010

55 - Does It Follow Us or Do We Follow It?

Real Magic

(Scroll past this introduction for most recent posting.)
A few months after we got married back in 1997, Jim and I noticed that number 55 is often attached in some way to the significant events, people, things and places in our life!

I have opened this website to keep track of, and make a record of, this unusual and often eerie occurrence - as the mysterious number 55 keeps tagging along with us on our journey.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Thank-you, Bonnie and All My Friends

One of my faithful blog readers (and good friend) left a beautiful message on the comment section of my website that most of you who get this by e-mail may not see. I just want Bonnie to know I found the note, and send thanks for such a sweet, thoughtful gesture. Many others have sent affectionate messages of congratulations by e-mail and via my Facebook. What a gift of friends I have. Thanks to each of you.

Take Care on the Journey,

Your Friend in Life,

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Number 55 and Dimes

Now we're finding dimes! Dozens of dimes in unexpected places. ...Just asking to be picked up.

Beside our chair at the restaurant...(twice at least)

On the ground next to the car...(several times)

Laying in plain sight on the table when it wasn't there last time we noticed...

On the carpet under the coffee table...

On the floor next to the chair at the ATT store..

On the sidewalk leading to our house...

In car under our feet, in the back seat (where no one was sitting), and between the seats - right in the middle!

There are really too many places to recall, but it's getting our attention.

Now it has become TWO dimes in unusual places!

My husband is putting the dimes he finds 'just lying there' in a special change purse in his briefcase. That change-purse is getting pretty heavy!

We don't know what it means, but we know that the number 55 had special meaning before the meaning was ever in place. So, we're just making a note of it and like the number 55...We don't know what it means, but we believe it has meaning.
